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Shilling logo

I have lived in 12 countries and worked in 27: and I have seen and met and worked with people from all over the world then. And from this global experience, I take a global insight: people have a lot more in common than you imagine.

For example, I am driven by Family: both my biological and my football club. Family values are important to me, being guided by a sense of unity, community and passion. But that’s also the drive of thousands, maybe millions of people out there. That’s why societies in every continent, in every country, have organized themselves around families.

And that’s why I’m so proud  to have built a family brand, out of a product that’s shareable by the whole company. We’ll make a truly global brand out of it too: one day it will be within reach of every family out there, no matter where.

Logo Stripes
Logo Stripes